//Cloudogu EcoSystem Docs

More Dogus

The Cloudogu EcoSystem provides the following applications through multiple dogus:

SCM Manager

The SCM Manager is a repository management tool in which Git, Mercurial and Subversion type repositories can be managed via a web interface. The application can be extended in many ways via plugins.

The official documentation of the application can be found here: https://scm-manager.org/docs/latest/en/


Jenkins is an automation server that can automate all non-human aspects of software development. Thus, it offers all the prerequisites for Continuous Integration or even Continuous Deployment. Over Plugins the application can be extended versatile.

The official documentation of this application can be found here: https://jenkins.io/doc/


Redmine is a project management and issue tracking application where content can be divided into projects and sub-projects. For each project, Redmine offers ticket management as well as other features such as a wiki or a visualization of the project progress.

The official documentation of this application can be found here: http://www.redmine.org/guide


SonarQube is an application for performing static code analysis. The rules used for the analysis can be customized to your own requirements. If SonarQube does not support the programming language used, this can be achieved via plugins.

The official documentation of this application can be found here: https://docs.sonarqube.org/latest/

Sonatype Nexus

Sonatype Nexus is an artifact repository management application that can be used in a variety of ways. On the one hand, the use of libraries and components can be unified by making them available through Nexus. On the other hand, versions of the developed software can be archived in Nexus.

The official documentation of this application can be found here: https://help.sonatype.com/repomanager3

Swagger UI

Swagger UI is an open source project that presents the documentation of an API graphically and interactively, as long as it is built according to the OpenAPI(Swagger) specification.

The official documentation of this application can be found here: https://swagger.io/docs/

In principle, this dogu can also be called anonymously without entering any login data on the login page of the Cloudogu EcoSystem. If an anonymous call is to be made, it must be ensured that the resources to be queried (e.g. repository in the SCM manager or Nexus artifacts) have been released for anonymous access.