//Cloudogu EcoSystem Docs

Bash script guideline

Start with a shebang

The first line in a bash script should be


Add description

Put a description in the beginning of the script if its purpose is not totally clear by its name or the like.

Use the following set lines to make your script exit on errors instead of ignoring them:

set -o errexit

Instructs bash to immediately exit if any command has a non-zero exit status. You may add '|| true' to commands that you allow to fail/have a non-zero exit code.

set -o nounset

When set, a reference to any variable you haven't previously defined - with the exceptions of $* and $@ - is an error, and causes the program to immediately exit.

set -o pipefail

This setting prevents errors in a pipeline from being masked. If any command in a pipeline fails, that return code will be used as the return code of the whole pipeline.

Write error information to stderr

Write all error data to stderr by putting


in front of or after 'echo' commands.

Use variables with ${}

When referencing variables, use curly brackets instead of just $VARIABLE.

Automate apt-get

The following lines are useful if software is automatically installed using apt-get:

apt-get --assume-yes (or -y) ...

Automatic 'yes' answer to questions from apt-get

DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get ...

Makes the frontend never interact with you at all and makes the default answers be used for all questions.

Remove temporary data

After copying installation data to a temporary location and executing it, do not forget to remove it if your installation was successful.

Further information:

Unofficial Bash Strict Mode Description

Best Practices for writing Bash scripts