//Cloudogu EcoSystem Docs

How to build a CES-image


  • git installed
  • packer installed (see
  • VirtualBox, QEMU and/or VMware installed

1. Check out the ecosystem repository

  • git clone

    2. Build the image(s) with packer

  • cd <ecosystem-path>/images/prod/
  • packer init .
  • packer build -var "timestamp=$(date +%Y%m%d)" prod.pkr.hcl

    • Builds all images for production
    • To get only a specific build for one of the hypervisors, use the--only=<image-type> parameter. With it, the image type can be configured to virtualbox-iso.ecosystem-virtualbox, qemu.ecosystem-qemu or vmware-iso.ecosystem-vmware.
    • The default user is ces-admin with password ces-admin (will be changed in setup process)
  • cd <ecosystem-path>/images/dev && packer init . && packer build dev.pkr.hcl

    • Builds an image for development
    • Adds development tools like htop and jq to the the vm. A full list can be found in the following files:

    • The default user is vagrant with password vagrant
  • If you are using a VirtualBox version below 7 to build the images, you have to set the additional build parameter virtualbox-version-lower-7, e.g.: packer build -var virtualbox-version-lower-7=true dev.pkr.hcl

3. Wait

  • The image build process lasts around 20 minutes, depending on your hardware and internet connection speed.

4. Finish

  • The image(s) can be found in <ecosystem-path>/images/dev/build and <ecosystem-path>/images/prod/output-*.