//Cloudogu EcoSystem Docs

Command: cesapp login

The command cesapp login [username] [password] stores the credentials for the dogu & docker registry.
If no parameters are provided, username and password will be queried in the command line.

Password file

The --password-file <value> flag can be used to define a file from which the password should be read.

Ignore validation

The --ignoreValidation flag skips the validation of the credentials against the registry.


   cesapp login - stores given credentials for the dogu and docker registry

   cesapp login [command options] [username] [password]

   Stores the given credentials for the dogu and docker registry.
   If no parameters are given both username and password are prompted from stdin.

   --ignoreValidation     save credentials without validation (default: false)
   --password-file value  provide the password as a file. If set a clear text password parameter will be ignored.