Developing Usermgt
The backend and frontend of the Usermgt can be developed locally.
Develop the backend locally
The following requirements must be met to develop the Usermgt backend:
- Install Oracle JDK / Open JDK 8
- Install Maven (use mvn -version to check whether jdk 8 is set up correctly / if not, change JAVA_HOME)
- Install Docker
To start or debug the Usermgt backend locally, a connection to an LDAP is required. This LDAP can either be operated locally in a Docker container, or the LDAP from the CES can be used.
Setting up a local LDAP in a Docker container
The following steps are required to start the LDAP in the Docker container:
- check out the repository:
- build the container:
docker build -t usermgt/ldap .
- start the container:
docker run --rm -p 389:389 usermgt/ldap
. -
enter the LDAP configuration for the backend in the file app/env/data/ldap.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <ldap> <host>localhost</host> <port>389</port> <!-- LDAP User & Password --> <bind-dn>cn=usermgt_x53eMC,ou=Special Users,o=ces.local,dc=cloudogu,dc=com</bind-dn> <bind-password>dykIuJz9eQzylL9HLNp4xy+fjPGsNsqvzulBE7iYtMqnvusmvG6Jc4aWKTtImTxz</bind-password> <user-base-dn>ou=people,o=ces.local,dc=cloudogu,dc=com</user-base-dn> <group-base-dn>ou=Groups,o=ces.local,dc=cloudogu,dc=com</group-base-dn> <disable-member-listener>true</disable-member-listener> <disabled>false</disabled> </ldap>
The users and passwords of the LDAP container are stored in can be found in the README.
The password must be encrypted. For this purpose, the can be used.
Using the LDAP from the CES
To use the LDAP from the CES for the local backend of the Usermgt, the following steps are necessary:
make the port of the LDAP from the CES available. There are two options here:
- Make the port available from the running container. For example with this instruction
Expose the port of the LDAP via the
: Add the following entry to thedogu.json
of the LDAP-Dogus:"ExposedPorts": [ { "Type": "tcp", "Host": 389, "Container": 389 } ]
Rebuild and start the LDAP-Dogu with
cesapp build ldap
- read the LDAP configuration from the usermgt logu of the CES
read out:
docker exec -it usermgt cat /var/lib/usermgt/conf/ldap.xml
. -
enter the LDAP configuration for the backend in the file app/env/data/ldap.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <ldap> <!-- Enter the IP of the local CES--> <host></host> <port>389</port> <bind-dn>cn=usermgt_lQURMd,ou=Special Users,o=ces.local,dc=cloudogu,dc=com</bind-dn> <bind-password>wTyqbtiV9DdZvs0CCs8NU4MMmiRztny4PJt1sSvjz2G5zC2OVwWOoTA+Bj1R2rcE</bind-password> <user-base-dn>ou=people,o=ces.local,dc=cloudogu,dc=com</user-base-dn> <group-base-dn>ou=Groups,o=ces.local,dc=cloudogu,dc=com</group-base-dn> <disabled>false</disabled> </ldap>
The password is already encrypted and can be used.
Start the Usermgt backend locally
So that the Usermgt backend can be used locally without a CAS, the environment variable UNIVERSEADM_STAGE
must be set to the value DEVELOPMENT
The backend can then be started as follows:
- Change to the
directory:cs app
- Create the project:
mvn clean install
- Build and start the project:
mvn -DskipTests -P-webcomponents package jetty:run-war
Only the backend is rebuilt and started, the frontend is not created, as the Maven profile
is ignored.
The backend is accessible under the URL http://localhost:8084/usermgt/api
The basic authentication in development mode is
User: admin | Password: admin
Develop the frontend locally
The frontend of Usermgt can be developed locally either with a mock backend or with the local backend of Usermgt.
Start mock backend
The mock backend can be started with the following command:
cd app/src/main/ui
yarn backend
Start local dev backend
The local dev backend can be set up and started as described above.
Start frontend
The file .env.local
must be created so that the local frontend can authenticate with the backend.
To do this, the file app/src/main/ui/.env can be copied as app/src/main/ui/.env.local
The credentials of the local backend (User: admin | Password: admin
) are then entered there.
The frontend can then be started with the following command.
cd app/src/main/ui
yarn install
yarn dev
Create test data for local development
Generated test data can be imported for local development.
Test user data
- Create users: <number of users>
If the script is called without parameters, 5 users are created. The count always starts at 0. If a data conflict occurs, the script continues anyway.
Example: Create 10 users
docs/development/ 10
Test group data
- Create groups:
If the script is called without parameters, 5 users are created. The count always starts at 0. If a data conflict occurs, the script continues anyway.
Example: Create 10 groups
docs/development/ 10
Shell testing with BATS
You can create and amend bash tests in the unitTests
directory. The make target unit-test-shell
will support you with a generalized bash test environment.
make unit-test-shell
BATS is configured to leave JUnit compatible reports in target/shell_test_reports/
In order to write testable shell scripts these aspects should be respected:
Global environment variable STARTUP_DIR
The global environment variable STARTUP_DIR
will point to the directory where the production scripts (aka: scripts-under-test) reside. Inside the dogu container this is usually /
. But during testing it is easier to put it somewhere else for permission reasons.
A second reason is that the scripts-under-test source other scripts. Absolute paths will make testing quite hard. Source new scripts like so, in order that the tests will run smoothly:
source "${STARTUP_DIR}"/
Please note in the above example the shellcheck disablement comment. Because STARTUP_DIR
is wired into the Dockerfile
it is considered as global environment variable that will never be found unset (which would soon be followed by errors).
Currently sourcing scripts in a static manner (that is: without dynamic variable in the path) makes shell testing impossible (unless you find a better way to construct the test container)
General structure of scripts-under-test
It is rather uncommon to run a scripts-under-test like
all on its own. Effective unit testing will most probably turn into a nightmare if no proper script structure is put in place. Because these scripts source each other AND execute code everything must be set-up beforehand: global variables, mocks of every single binary being called... and so on. In the end the tests would reside on an end-to-end test level rather than unit test level.
The good news is that testing single functions is possible with these little parts:
- Use sourcing execution guards
- Run binaries and logic code only inside functions
- Source with (dynamic yet fixed-up) environment variables
Use sourcing execution guards
Make sourcing possible with sourcing execution guards. like this:
function runTheThing() {
echo "hello world"
if [[ "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" == "${0}" ]]; then
The if
-condition below will be executed if the script is executed by calling via the shell but not when sourced:
$ ./
hello world
$ source
$ runTheThing
hello world
Execution guards work also with parameters:
function runTheThing() {
echo "${1} ${2}"
if [[ "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" == "${0}" ]]; then
runTheThingWithParameters "$@"
Note the proper argument passing with "$@"
which allows for arguments that contain whitespace and such.
$ ./ hello world
hello world
$ source
$ runTheThing hello bash
hello bash
Run binaries and logic code only inside functions
Environment variables and constants are okay, but once logic runs outside a function it will be executed during script sourcing.
Source with (dynamic yet fixed-up) environment variables
Shellcheck basically says this is a no-no. Anyhow unless the test container allows for appropriate script paths there is hardly a way around it:
# shellcheck disable=SC1090
source "${STARTUP_DIR}"/ || sourcingExitCode=$?
if [[ ${sourcingExitCode} -ne 0 ]]; then
echo "ERROR: An error occurred while sourcing /"
At least make sure that the variables are properly set into the production (f. i. Dockerfile
)and test environment (set-up an env var in your test).