Command: cesapp install
The command cesapp install <dogu-name>
installs a dogu from a remote server.
Recursive installation
With the option --recursive
a dogu can be installed recursively, i.e. dependencies are installed automatically.
If a service account is to be created in one of the dogu dependencies, the corresponding dogu is started for the creation of the service account and stopped again after the creation of the service account (for details see section for creation of service accounts).
Creation of service accounts
A dogu may have dependencies on one or more other dogus. During installation, service accounts may be created in another dogu.
In order to create a service account in another dogu, this dogu must be installed and started. A dogu can generally only be installed if all required dogus are already installed.
If a service account is to be created in another dogu and the dogu is installed but not started, the corresponding dogu is started. It will waits until the dogu is 'healthy'. Then the service account is created. After the service account has been created, the started dogu is stopped again.
cesapp install - installs a dogu from a remote server. Use 'cesapp install <dogu-name> <version> to install a specific version'
cesapp install [command options] [arguments...]
--recursive install dependencies automatically (default: false)
--choose-version choose version of all dogus at installing (default: false)
--help, -h show help (default: false)