//Cloudogu EcoSystem Docs

Command: cesapp backup

The command cesapp backup --all creates a backup of the system files and all dogus of the Cloudogu EcoSystem.

Backup of individual components

Individual dogus

Backups of individual dogus can be created with the command cesapp backup <dogu-name>.
Unfortunately, this feature is not yet supported.

System files

Backups of system files can be created with the command cesapp backup --system.
This function is not yet supported.


The --dry-run flag can be used to list the individual steps of the command without executing it.


Vor dem Backup werden normalerweise Health-Checks ausgeführt. Falls einer der Health-Checks fehlschlägt, wird das Backup abgebrochen.
Um die Health-Checks zu überspringen, kann der Flag --skip-health-checks verwendet werden.

Output list of backups

The list of all backups can be output with the cesapp backup list command.
The --update-in-registry flag updates the backup list in the registry.


All keys stored here are subordinate to /config/backup.

  • active - Determines whether automatic backups are active; allowed values: true or false.
  • time - times of automatic backups; format: {\"Times\":[\"12:30:00\"]}
  • ignore_dogu_health - Determines whether the backup should be executed anyway in case of failed health checks; allowed values: true or false.
  • encryption_key - key to encrypt the backup
  • backup_type - type of backup; possible values: local, SFTP, S3
  • local_config/path - path to the local directory where the backup repository should be stored.
  • sftp_config/address - address of the SFTP server where a backup should be stored
  • s3_bucket_config/address - address of the S3 bucket where a backup should be stored
  • s3_bucket_config/access_key_id - Access key ID for accessing the S3 bucket
  • s3_bucket_config/secret_access_key - Secret access key for accessing the S3 bucket
  • retention_enabled - Determines if backups should be retained; allowed values: true or false.
  • retention_strategy - Determines the strategy used to retain backups. Allowed values can be retrieved from retention_policies.
  • deny_cross_blueprint_restores - If set to true, backups are bound to a blueprintId. They cannot be restored after a blueprint upgrade. If the value is set to false or not at all, all backups can be restored.
  • pre_backup_script - The path to a bash script can be stored here. The path must not be empty. It must be an absolute path. The script must exist and be executable. The so deposited script is executed before each backup.
  • post_backup_script - The path to a bash script can be stored here. The path must not be empty. It must be an absolute path. The script must exist and be executable. The so deposited script is executed after each successful backup.


   cesapp backup - backup parts of CES

   cesapp backup command [command options] [arguments...]

   Creates backups of the Cloudogu EcoSystem. Currently, only --all is supported. Single dogu backups and --system are not.

   list     lists all available backups
   help, h  Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   --all          back up system and all dogus (default: false)
   --system       back up system files (default: false)
   --dry-run      only prints out the description of the backup steps without backing up anything (default: false)
   --help, -h     show help (default: false)
   --version, -v  print the version (default: false)