//Cloudogu EcoSystem Docs

Command: cesapp purge

The command cesapp purge <dogu-name> deletes a dogu from EcoSystem. When executing this command for a dogu (e.g. cesapp purge redmine), the dogu and all related resources will be deleted. Those resources are the image, container, configuration, volumes, service-accounts, logfiles and the registration. If you want to keep some of those components, please provide one or multiple flags as described in the manpage below.


   cesapp purge - removes a dogu and all resources which are related

   cesapp purge [command options] [arguments...]

   --keep-image             do not remove the image (default: false)
   --keep-container         do not remove the container (default: false)
   --keep-config            do not remove the config (default: false)
   --keep-volumes           do not remove the volumes (default: false)
   --keep-service-accounts  do not remove the service accounts (default: false)
   --keep-logs              do not remove the log file(s) (default: false)
   --keep-registration      do not remove the registration (default: false)
   --help, -h               show help (default: false)