Local development on Grafana-Dogu in the k8s-ecosystem
In order for Grafana-Dogu to be installed in the local k8s-ecosystem, it is assumed that this has been set up correctly and the setup has already been run.
is set up correctly and the setup has already been run and kubectl has been installed correctly.
So that the dogu can now be built, it must be ensured that the namespace is set correctly by
executing kubens ecosystem
In addition, the file .env.template
must be copied and named .env
. This file may contain further environment variables
that are important for the build.
For the dogu to run correctly, all dependencies must be installed correctly. This can be achieved with the
command kubectl apply -f k8s-samples/k8s-grafana-dependencies.yaml
If everything is set up correctly, the dogu can be deployed to the local cluster by executing make build