//Cloudogu EcoSystem Docs

Setting up the integration tests

The integration tests, which are located under integrationTests/, can be executed as follows:

To run the tests locally, the static HTML page must first be stored in vagrant. sudo cp /vagrant/containers/nginx/integrationTests/privacypolicies.html /var/lib/ces/nginx/volumes/customhtml/Also the etcd keyprivacypolicies` must be set

etcdctl set config/nginx/externals/privacy_policies '{"DisplayName": "PrivacyPolicies", "Description": "Contains information about the privacy policies enforced by our company", "Category": "Information", "URL":"/static/privacy_policies.html"}'.

After that, the key to remove certain links from the warp menu must be set: etcdctl set /config/_global/disabled_warpmenu_support_entries '["platform", "aboutCloudoguToken"]'.

After that the tests cann be run with:

cd integrationTests
yarn install
yarn cypress open