//Cloudogu EcoSystem Docs

Command: cesapp restore

The command cesapp restore --all --id <backup-id> restores all system files and dogus to the state of the specified backup.
The flags --all and --id are required. Partial restores are not supported yet.

Automatic approval for queries

The -y flag can be used to automatically grant consent for queries.
This feature should only be used if the queries are known.


The --dry-run flag lists the steps of the command without executing it.

Restore without starting the Dogus

After a restore the Dogus restart, this can be prevented with the --no-dogu-start flag.

Use current backup configuration

The --keep-existing-backup-config flag causes the current backup configuration to be used instead of the configuration present in the backup.
Use this option if the backup configuration has changed drastically since the last backup.


All keys stored here are subordinate to /config/backup.

  • encryption_key - key to encrypt the backup
  • backup_type - type of backup; possible values: local, SFTP, `S3
  • local_config/path - path to the local directory where the backup repository should be stored.
  • sftp_config/address - address of the SFTP server where a backup should be stored
  • s3_bucket_config/address - address of the S3 bucket where a backup should be stored
  • s3_bucket_config/access_key_id - Access key ID for accessing the S3 bucket
  • s3_bucket_config/secret_access_key - Secret access key for accessing the S3 bucket
  • deny_cross_blueprint_restores - If set to true, backups are bound to a blueprintId. They cannot be restored after a blueprint upgrade. If the value is set to false or not at all, all backups can be restored.
  • pre_restore_script - The path to a bash script can be stored here. The path must not be empty. It must be an absolute path. The script must exist and be executable. The so deposited script is executed before each Restore.
  • post_restore_script - The path to a bash script can be stored here. The path must not be empty. It must be an absolute path. The script must exist and be executable. The so deposited script is executed after each successful restore.


   cesapp restore - restore the CES

   cesapp restore [command options] [arguments...]

   Restores backups of the Cloudogu EcoSystem. Currently --all and --id are required. Partial restores are not yet supported.

   --id value                     define which backup to restore
   --all                          restore the complete CES (default: false)
   -y                             execute restore without asking for approval. This will delete unsaved data for the whole CES. (default: false)
   --dry-run                      only print out the description of the restore steps without restoring anything (default: false)
   --no-dogu-start                do not start the dogus at the end of the restore process (default: false)
   --keep-existing-backup-config  use existing backup-specific registry values instead of those from the backup. Use this if the backup configuration has drastically changed since the last backup. (default: false)
   --help, -h                     show help (default: false)