//Cloudogu EcoSystem Docs

Post-initialization scripts

At the end of the Jenkins startup process, all scripts located inside /var/tmp/resources/init.groovy.d are executed. You can add your own scripts by saving them inside the custom.init.groovy.d volume.

System critical scripts

To mark a script as system critical add the prefix CRIT after the script number. A critical script can be defined if an error leads to a jenkins instance that e.g. can not be reached or can not be logged in to.

Example: init030CRITinstallplugins.groovy

Non-critical scripts (Normal)

To mark a script as non-critical add the prefix NORM after the script number. Modifications which only apply to additional features of Jenkins are usually non-critical (NORM) e.g. configuring a JDK or Maven.

If scripts are marked as neither CRIT nor NORM they will be treated as non-critical.

Example: init100NORMmavenautoinstall.groovy