//Cloudogu EcoSystem Docs

Backup & Restore Changelog

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.


[v1.11.2-2] - 2024-09-24


  • Switch to new CAS service account structure in dogu.json

[v1.11.2-1] - 2024-08-14


  • [#120] Update base image to 3.20.2-1
  • [#120] Compile with Go 1.22.5
  • Run container without root privileges


  • [#120] close CVE-2024-41110

[v1.11.1-1] - 2024-01-25


  • Update cesapp dependency to v7.3.0
  • Last Successful Restore Updated

    • only rendered if there is a restore
    • shows successful restore with consistent naming scheme akin to Backups

[v1.10.1-1] - 2023-11-15


  • Update cesapp dependency to v7.2.1
  • Update cesapp-lib dependency v0.12.2

[v1.10.0-1] - 2023-10-17


  • error msg in UI when restic creds are wrong (#65/#113)


  • [#111] Integration tests


  • Old integation tests

[v1.9.3-1] - 2023-05-16


  • Update base image to 3.15.8-1 to fix curl CVEs
  • Update makefiles to 7.5.0
  • Update GO to 1.20

[v1.9.2-2] - 2022-09-28


  • Increase version requirement of cesapp to >= 5.5.0 (#98)
  • Add new configuration keys to dogu.json (#98)

[v1.9.2-1] - 2022-08-23


  • Rename backup-list column Version ID to Blueprint ID #95

[v1.9.1-2] - 2022-03-31


  • Upgrade base image to 3.15.3-1 (#90)

[v1.9.1-1] - 2022-01-12


  • updated gui documentation for time input delete button
  • clockTimePicker input field can now be erased with a click on the cross icon button
  • document titles are clearly defined in backup and restore view #81
  • move style definitions from id to class #87
  • fix spelling


  • make html comply better to standards by removing duplicate IDs #87
  • remove mis-used aria-label #87

[v1.9.0-1] - 2021-12-22


  • Switch to premium namespace
  • hierarchy and use of headline-tags
  • integration test to cypress via dogu integration test library
  • navbar links change to buttons #76
  • hide icons from screen readers #76
  • add textual explanation for screen readers #76
  • enhance color contrast #78
  • switch to inverse nav bar #78
  • include new version of ces-theme to use contrast enhancements #78
  • make modals readable for screen readers #79


  • error msg in UI when restic creds are wrong; #65
  • jenkinsfile: run Cypress tests
  • jenkinsfile: add dogu upgrade tests
  • new texts to explain state for screen reader #76
  • info modal when setting time for sheduled backup #79
  • add routine to periodically check if a backup or restore is running to automatically switch the view #79

v1.8.0-1 - 2021-04-08


  • Favicons with dogu logo; #54
  • Support to set the retention policy in the UI; #56

    • A new API-Endpoint setRetentionPolicy: for more information see Swagger-File Swagger-File
    • requires cesapp v2.31.0 and backup-watcher v1.2.0


  • upgrade cesapp dependency to v2; #56
  • makefiles upgraded to version 4.4.0; #56


  • Fix miscellaneous bugs which return a false status or act on the registry after handling an error
  • Fix bug in detecting critical processes while the restore is running

1.7.0-1 - 2021-01-12


  • Added the ability to configure the memory limits with cesapp edit-config; #52


  • Update dogu-build-lib to v1.1.1
  • Update zalenium-build-lib to v2.1.0
  • Toggle video recording with build parameter (#50)
  • Change dogu version schema to match the other dogus

v1.6.0 - 2020-04-21


  • Support for local backup-type (:warning: works only with cesapp >= 2.11.0)

v1.5.0 - 2020-04-17


  • Username is now logged when triggering a backup/restore, setting backup to active/inactive or changing the backup time (#46)


  • The underlying base image was updated to a more recent version (#46)

v1.4.0 - 2020-04-02


  • Added the 'prebackupscript' and 'postbackupscript' key to the dogu.json

v1.3.2 - 2020-03-23


  • This release fixes the release of v1.3.0 and v1.3.1.

v1.3.1 - 2020-03-23


  • This release fixes the dogu descriptor from the release v1.3.0.

v1.3.0 - 2020-03-23

Edit: Due to a problem during releasing this version, this release was never pushed as dogu. The next released will include the changes mentioned here.


  • The restore process allows now for running (optional) pre- and post-restore scripts. Such scripts must reside in the CES host file system.

    • Pre-Restore step: A bash script that will be automatically executed before each restore. To use, set the backup registry key pre_restore_script to value /path/to/
    • Post-Restore step: A bash script that will be automatically executed after each successful restore. To use, set the backup registry key post_restore_script to value /path/to/

v1.2.1 - 2019-12-12


  • separates integration and unit tests (#39)

    • Updated to makefiles repo 2.1.0 which support integration tests
    • Integration tests get now a build tag integration
    • use tests in Jenkins pipeline
    • parallelize Jenkins stages
    • fix Dockerfile
    • update sonar analysis and jenkins test report
  • This repository is now build with go mod which is also supported by the Makefiles repo

    • the make goals are still the same though


These files are replaced by their new counterparts from the Makefile repo v2.1.0:



  • An error message was removed from the Backup UI when no backup was made yet. This is totally normal and must not result in an error message box. (#41)

v1.2.0 - 2019-11-27


  • status backup inactive now uses a light version of the danger alert
  • status backup active now uses a light version of success alert
  • backups marked as inactive in backup list now use a class from ces theme instead of inline styles
  • moved some features to cesapp (backup-id validation, getting backup list from registry)