Example configuration for delegated authentication with OIDC
This is an example configuration for delegated authentication in CAS via OIDC.
These values can be entered directly in the cas-config
-ConfigMap in CES-MN.
For Classic-CES, they must be entered accordingly in the ETCD.
enabled: "true"
discovery_uri: ""
client_id: "cesCasClient"
client_secret: "MySecretSecret"
#redirect_uri: "https://platform.cloudogu.com/de/"
display_name: "Cloudogu-Platform"
optional: "true"
scopes: "openid email profile GroupScope"
principal_attribute: "preferred_username"
attribute_mapping: "email:mail,family_name:surname,given_name:givenName,preferred_username:username,name:displayName,groups:externalGroups"
allowed_groups: "Gruppe2, Gruppe3"
initial_admin_usernames: "user1, testAdmin"
Attention: In production mode, the config value for client_secret
should be entered in the Kubernetes-Secret of the CAS-Config.