Start Smeagol locally
The following describes how to run Smeagol locally.
However, this requires a local EcoSystem with a running SCM manager.
In addition, the CAS must be brought into the development stage.
To do this, execute the following: etcdctl set config/_global/stage development && docker restart cas
1. start frontend
- Make sure that the installed node version is lower than 18. With Node 16 it was tested successfully.
- From the root folder of the repository execute:
node src/main/scripts/start.js
2. start backend
- Create an API token at the SCM manager:
. - Copy the API key and add it to the application.yml under
accessKey: eyJhcGlLZXlJZCI6IjVFVFp5ZUNlckEiLCJ1c2VyIjoiYWRtaW4iLCJwYXNzcGhyYXNlIjoieDFodXliWkhIaWpuTnNoNFlqQngifQ
- Start Smeagol with
./mvwnw spring-boot:run
ormvn spring-boot:run
- application is now running. - Alternatively, Smeagol can also be started simply via the IDE. The configuration for this should have been created automatically.